Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I sell completed items made from your patterns?
A: Yes, you may make and sell as many amigurumi from my patterns as you like. However, you may not resell the pattern itself in any format, be it written, audio, or video format.

Q: Do you sell completed amigurumi plushies?
A: Yes I do. You can occasionally find Ready to Ship items on my site. If you would like a custom amigurumi please contact me so we can discuss prices, production and shipping times.

Q: Where do you buy safety eyes for your amigurumi?
A: I purchase all my safety eyes wholesale and offer them in smaller amounts here on my site. You can purchase the eyes from me and know that they are the exact same product and quality I use for all of my amigurumi.

Q: What terms/languages are your crochet patterns in?
A: All my patterns are written in English with US crochet terms. You may find that some of my patterns are also available in German, Spanish, or Portuguese. Translating into these languages has been a slow but ongoing goal of mine. Each pattern page will show what language that specific pattern is available in.

Q: I like your amigurumi designs, but is it possible to make them bigger/smaller in size?
A: Yes it is possible. Try using a larger than recommended hook size and thicker yarn to make an amigurumi bigger. Or use a smaller hook size and thinner yarn to make it smaller. To pick the correct hook size try and use one that is at least 2mm smaller than what the yarn label suggests.

Q: What patterns do you recommend for beginners?
A: Personally I feel all amigurumi start off at an advanced beginner level due to crocheting most pieces in the round with a tight gauge and having to sew many pieces together. I would suggest starting off with small designs such as my sitting frogtiny tom turkey, or mini bunny when making your first amigurumi.